Sustainable Reading habits with Paperback And Earth

Aditya Jain
2 min readApr 8, 2021


Its year 2050, humans have developed itself to the extend that robots are there to complete any of the given work at any given time. Artificial Intelligence has taken over many businesses and everyone is trying to work on the technological development for a better and more advanced future.

But natural resources have been depleted at such a rate in the past few decades that we do not have enough trees to provide oxygens. Medical Science had developed to such an extent that humans can be living on medicines for centuries without harmful effects on the body and even if the effects exist, people can get any damaged organ replaced.

But still humans are not feeling the best. Even after developing to be the best in the universe and developing to an extend that humans can finally be called an immortal, living standard has depleted. People do not have proper access to fresh water or air. Only rich can afford such luxuries.

Year 2021,

This incident sounds dreadful to me. Even if in fiction, where I have taken the best scenarios this condition of human will make me sad. But am I saying that technological advancement is a problem? No. The world should develop in a way that it wants. But we can vouch for sustainable development, which means developing without depleting the current resources.

Sustainability can help us get the best of the world with all the needed and demanded resources along with not taking the essence of humankind from its natural way.

I have adopted sustainable reading through “OneMoreGaze”, a startup working in the field of sustainable reading habits by providing the best of the books at a price on rent through which you get each book at as low as 7/day. Also, they have corporate libraries for businesses and development of employees.

This helps me read more and more within the budget constraints.

They do have many more campaigns working in the field of reading and reading habits. So do check out “Paperback And Earth”, a company working in the field of sustainable reading habits.



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